3:00 – 3:15 PM EST:
The impact of Sargassum brown tides on Mexican Caribbean coasts
Dr. Brigitta van Tussenbroek
Using advanced technical diving for deep reef exploration
Prof. Luiz Rocha
Dr. Franziska Elmer is leading the organization of multiple meetings across the Caribbean. She coordinates the Caribbean locations and is in charge of globally shared content tailored to the Caribbean participants. For this, she found plenary speakers that address topics of current interest and urgency in the Caribbean. The different Caribbean locations will interact with each other and the plenary speakers during virtual question sessions after the plenaries.
Franziska is working with the hosts of these meetings to strengthen the shared content across the Caribbean, to provide support and guidance in the meeting design and organization process, and to empower these locations to record and share their locally based talks.
Franziska received her B.S. in Environmental Science and M.S. in Ecology and Evolution from ETH Zurich in Switzerland and went on to obtain her PhD in Marine Biology at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. Her thesis focussed on coral recruitment and reef calcification and bioerosion on a near pristine Central Pacific reef system. After her PhD she served as Marine Ecology faculty at two Marine Science focussed study abroad programs: CIEE Bonaire and SFS South Caicos. She taught three semesters and one summer at each of them, focussing her research on 3D reef modelling for benthic analysis, black spot syndrome in fish, stony coral tissue loss disease and impacts of Sargassum on coastal ecosystems. Currently she is taking a Climate Change Sabbatical during which she is working on different practical solutions to Climate Change, one of which is Global Coral Reef Week, and is the treasurer of the Association of the Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean (AMLC).

Check back for updates on remote meetings in the Caribbean!